Under helgen anordnades den årliga konferensen av GLOBSEC, denna gång i Prag. Generalsekreterare Anna Wieslander var på plats och pratade i panelen ”Tomorrow’s Threats, Today’s Priorities: Setting the EU’s Defense Strategy”. Anna Wieslanders huvudpunkter var följande:
✅Presently, the EU is lacking a defense strategy. Any attempts to build one must recognize the reluctance of most member states to transfer sovereignty to the EU in the area of defense.
✅Most member states see the EU as a complement to NATO in defense.
✅The EU must move to become an enabler for a European pillar in NATO, a force that can act as a first responder in case of conflict or war.
✅ European allies should hence commit to provide 50% of the capabilities in NATO by 2030.
✅ Both EU member states and NATO allies should commit to spend 3 % of GDP on defense by 2030.
✅ The EU must also move to become a deterrent on Russia’s hybrid warfare that has targeted Europe for more than a decade. Presently, the response is too weak and fragmented.
✅ It is time to update the EU Strategic Compass to developments after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This analysis should then guide a defense strategy for the EU.
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